MHS Breakfast

Breakfast is served free of charge every school morning in our multipurpose room. Church of the Roses is located a block away from Montgomery High School and is in an ideal location to provide a warm nutritious breakfast and a safe gathering place for young people.

An average of 125 students a day participate in the volunteer-run breakfast program. There is a different crew and crew leader every day of the week. The volunteers that make up the breakfast crews are usually congregation members, MHS parents or MHS alumni.

No questions asked. No proselytizing. Just warm nutritious food and lots of smiles!

MHS Breakfast Pancakes


The Montgomery High School Free Breakfast Program for students was originally funded by a G.K. Hardt Grant. We are incredibly grateful for our partners, congregation members, and volunteers who have helped us keep this wonderful program running! Some of our partners include Sonoma Wine Country Weekend, Sonoma Speedway Children's Charities, Santa Rosa Violence Prevention Partnership, and the Presbyterian Hunger Program Cents-Ability.

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Sonoma speedway children's charities
SR Choice mini grant logo
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